Lakeland through its Academic Technology Facilitators supports faculty instructional efforts to utilize the LMS; D2L (Brightspace), and Mobius for traditional and non-traditional classes. The Academic Technology Facilitators administers the LMS, provides technical support, and delivers training to faculty in best practices of online course development and instructional technology implementation.


The Workflow Procedures to Support the Learning Management System (LMS) follow the Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy Number: 9.57, Information Technology Security Policy 9.50 and Academic Accommodations policy STU 5.93, Student Grading Procedure STU 5.66 and Special Offering STU 5.65. as approved by the Lakeland College Board of Governors. 


This document describes the arrangements and conditions for the implementation of approved policies and procedures for the College and explains how staff and students are supported in their LMS use by Lakeland College, the Academic Technology Facilitators.   D2L(Brightspace) and Mobius are currently Lakeland College’s LMS. Mobius has replaced TLM for some of the Trades programs.  




Workflow requests are handled by Academic Technology Facilitators through individual email as well as offsite support desk of D2L through Brightspace Community. 


DEFINITIONS - Roles and Permissions


LMS (D2L) 

Super Administrator (SA) 

designated top level power user role with all access to LMS. This role is reserved for Academic Technology Facilitators.


Designated user role with conferred permissions within the LMS.


The designated person/s who, under the guidance of Lakeland, assists with course development. (Cannot view student info)


Same permissions as the instructor but appears in the Classlist as Librarian.


Same permissions as student role. Add to MASTER courses only because this role has access to student information (student numbers, discussion history, etc.).

DC Supervisor

(Dual Credit) Added to semester courses. Read-only access to calendar, checklist, content, discussions, grades, locker, news, quizzes, self-assessment.

Org Admn Asst

Similar to instructor, but can also upload class lists, and add and delete individual students and instructors. Non-cascading role.

Admn Asst 1

Similar permissions as Admn Asst 2, but Admn Asst 1 CAN enroll students within Ongoing courses that exist outside the integration with PeopleSoft. Non-cascading role. Manually added to courses

Admn Asst 2

Similar permissions as Admn Asst 1, CAN enroll users. Cascading role.


Modified- 2017) Access/update user information. Does not appear in Classlist


Similar permissions as Student, except cannot submit to D2L's Dropbox, and cannot be graded.


Read-only access to content

Demo Student

Has student access to all courses for the purpose of instructors able to impersonate to view course as students.

Peer Tutor

Read-only access to content. Cannot contribute to discussions, cannot be graded, cannot see classlist, etc.


LMS (Mobius)


Super User




Class Instructor



Instructor + Create

Class Instructor that can create system users


Administrative Assistants


Default student role


Default guest role


  • Approved external provider: person/s or organization/s which have entered into contractual agreements with the college (e.g. Dual Credit Schools/teachers)
  • Archival:  the regular removal of redundant D2L units with the LMS
  • Master Course:  A backup copy of a course.
  • PeopleSoft:  Lakeland College’s Student Information System
  • D2L(Brightspace):  Current LMS used at Lakeland College.
  • Mobius:  Trades replacement for TLM – although some departments may want to incorporate this STEAM based LMS into their D2L courses as for allowing greater control of question designs. 
  • Fully Online:  Units with no face-to-face components in which all interactions among staff and students, education content, learning activities, assessment and support services are online. 
  • Learning Management System (LMS) software that allows educational institutions to create and host units on the internet. 
  • Non-Standard period of study:   Study outside of Semester Terms, 10, 20, 25, or 30 such as special offerings.
  • Impersonate User:  Technical capability of Super Administrators in D2L that allow them to impersonate staff/students without having to have their login credentials. 
  • Release Dates:  the start and finish dates established for a specific period of study.
  • IPSIS: Integration Pack for Student Information Systems 
  • Recover:  the process of reactivating a deleted course.
  • MyLakeland:  a web-based self-service facility for students to view their enrollments, timetables and fees, update personal details and access results. 
  • Brightspace Community:  Brightspace or D2L is a resource website community that any person can join.  If you are student, staff or administrator your access may be different.  Many different institutions use the BC to post questions to others asking for input/advice. Lakeland College has a help desk through their own Lakeland link/Community that will support its students and staff with technical or issues.  The link is found on the college website (technical support).  Staff or students can get 24/7 support from D2L technicians through phone, email or instant chat






Summary of Changes

January 18, 2021


Susan Werner

Initial Draft

April 14, 2022


Susan Werner

Draft updates







Student Administration

1.1 Verification

When confidential information is required, a verification process is applied to ensure student authentication. 

  • Actions for Super Administrators (SA)If contacted by a student, (SA) will:

Request the student ID number to verify that the person is a Lakeland student.   If the student's number is not known, (SA) will verify with the student's email address.  

1.2 Accounts and Enrollments

Students are enrolled in accordance with standard enrolment procedures applicable for all students through Student Services.  

1.2.1 Semester Course Enrollments

Students for semester courses are processed via PeopleSoft through Student Services.  An automated process CSV file adds the CSV to IPSIS within D2L, this process will be updating Students in classes daily at 12 Noon and 6 PM.  

If a student withdraws from a course, their withdrawal is processed via Student Services, the staff updates the information, the CSV file contains that change and the enrollment is changed at the next update either at 12 Noon, or 6 PM whichever is the next run time. 

  • Actions for Super Administrators (SA)since this process is automated, the SA needs to keep an eye on the logs to ensure that is there are no errors, if there are, they need to be addressed and resolved. 

 1.2.2 Ongoing Course Enrollments

Students that are in ongoing courses, will have their enrollments/unenrollment’s to the courses processed by the departments administrative assistant.  Their departments receive a student load query, and the admins will upload/remove to their respective courses.  

1.2.3 Request Name to be Changed Within the LMS (Legal)

When user accounts are created in D2L through PeopleSoft integration, each user's legal first and last name are used.                

  • Action for student

Students will contact Student Services or their MyLakeland account to update their information.  

1.2.4 Request Name to be Changed Within the LMS (Preferred)

Some users may want to use preferred names that are distinct from their legal names. For example, a transgender user with a different first name. This may be helpful with some of our international students as we have had instances of exact usernames. 

  • Action for student

Students reach out to Student Services or SA with request of preferred name change in the LMS. 


  • Action for SA

The SA will verify the student’s information and reasoning.  We may limit the use of a preferred name as in all most cases the legal names will be enough. If necessary, to change, the SA will change the preferred name in the LMS and confirm the changes and inform Student Services as well as the department of thus change. End users (instructors and learners) cannot define their preferred names and should refer to their institution's defined process for changing names.

1.2.5 Student Requires Access to Ended Course(s)

  • Actions for students

Students must contact their instructor/department to make a formal request stating the reason for access to a course from previous year/semester. 

  • Actions for Department/Instructor

If the department/Instructor is satisfied that there is enough reason/s to grant access to a course on the LMS from a previous year/semester, they must contact the Academic Technology (SAs) for the LMS with the request.



  • Actions for SuperAdmin (SA)

The SA will explain the options below to the instructor and the instructor will inform the SA what they would prefer. 

Option A: Open course date up:  This involves changing the end date and allows all students in the course to view the materials. 

Option B:   What does the student specifically need?  If course files, or a rewrite, possibly creating a copy of that course with just copying over that content to a special offering course that just that student is enrolled in.  The end dates can be modified and the student when completed can be removed from the course. 

1.2.6 LMS Login Issues

Students login to the LMS through the site links on the college website.  If there are problems logging into the LMS (D2L) and students need assistance, they should reach out to the Fresh portal IT Help Desk to get assistance with their EDU accounts.   

  • Actions for students

Student will click on the Fresh portal Helpdesk link found on the college website that can be accessed on their phone or on any computer and submit a ticket or call 780-853-8599 for assistance.  

1.2.7 Access to Course Content 

Students may not be able to access content within a course due to intentional restrictions placed on the content by the instructor.  There also may be unintentional restrictions places on the content caused by browser configurations or missing plug-ins, or through design errors relating to selective release, content paths, or accessibility constraints. 

  • Actions for Students

The student should contact their instructor in the first instance to resolve content access issues (intentional or unintentional)

  • Actions for the Instructor

When contacted by the student, the instructor should investigate to the best of their ability the cause of the issue and change or inform the student of their restrictions.  If they are unable to resolve or unsure of the issue, they will reach out to the SA for assistance. 

  • Actions for the SA

If the students contact the SA first, the SA will work with the student and inform them of what is causing the issue, if there are restrictions the SA will inform the student and the student must talk with their instructor.  If there is no course restriction, the SA will liaise with the student to resolve the issue.  

1.2.8 Student Unable to use Specific Tools in LMS

  • Action for students

Students should reach out to the D2L online support desk for assistance as it is available 24/7, if the student wishes to get assistance onsite, they may visit the SA offices. 


  • Action for SA

If contacted by a student, the SA will investigate the issue and resolve any technical problems. If unable to resolve, the SA will contact the D2L HD to see if they can provide some guidance.

1.3 Student Supports

Lakeland College may have students with specialty needs, be that of a tutor or worker that requires access to the LMS on behalf (working with) the student. 

  • Actions for Students

Student has contacted the College with their requirements and made a formal request.  

  • Actions for SA

If a person requesting access to the LMS is not the student but a representative of that student, the SA will confirm with the department/instructor.  The SA will check what access the student rep will need: 

  1. No Access: then the rep will just assist the student and no LMS access is needed
  2. Course access:   the rep will need to access LMS and work with the student to provide assistance.  Role given:  Peer tutor


Staff (Instructor) Administration

2.1 Staff Verification Procedures

Employees of Lakeland are created in the LMS by either automatic enrollment through IPSIS for instructors with PeopleSoft or by the SA manually for staff.   

  • If the SA creates the account manually, they need to verify that the user has an ID number in PeopleSoft.  Once the star is showing for the staff member, it has been verified. This has ensured that the employee has met with an HR representative and their information has been set up in the HR system. 

  • Many times, the staff member will have their personal email on PeopleSoft, and it is preferred to have their college email address added to the LMS instead. 


2.2 Staff login issues

  • Actions for staff
    1. Staff should contact the SA for password assistance.  

2.3 Staff Member Course Access 

Semester course instructors are added to the LMS automatically through PeopleSoft IPSIS integration.    This process will add the main instructor to the course, however there are circumstances that require there be more than one instructor to a course.  


  • Actions for staff
    1. Staff member may reach out to Student Services with this request.  Adding secondary, or additional instructors can be done by the SA as well as the IPSIS process.  
  • Action for SA
    1. SA will contact the main instructor of the course and request that the secondary instructor access is permitted. Once they approve, the SA will add the secondary instructor to the classlist, or
    2. The SA would have received the request by the department administrative assistant acting on behalf of the main instructor. 

2.4 Administrative Assistant Roles in D2L

Department admin assistants are automatically enrolled into all their department’s courses assigned by their department codes.  The roles will have the ability to now; enroll/unenroll and impersonate students.  

2.5 Staff Requests Course Date Change

Since semester courses are automatically updated through PeopleSoft, instructors must contact the Student Services office to have any date changes verified and modified.  Ongoing courses that have date changes can be done through the SA, provided the instructor has also informed Student Services.  

2.6 Staff Requests Their Name Changed in LMS

  • Actions for staff
    1. Staff should contact HR to formally change their name. 


Course Maintenance

Annual course clean-up is performed by a SA approximately each Spring/Summer.   Instructors need the ability to be able to view a year to a year and a half of any previous semester course.  If the instructor still is teaching, they still have access to their masters, but many refer to actual semester courses.  

3.1 Course Cleanup Phases

After the course has run its term, these are the phases of “cleanup” The workflow is shown below:

3.1.1 Phase One: After Term(s) End

Usually in June/July you should check the log cycle to see what previously run course needs to have it Deactivated.  We keep 2 years active for Instructors to utilize within D2L.  

  • 2210 Term has just completed, and last deactivation was of courses in the 1910 term, so the next deactivation will be of the 1930 courses. 

3.1.2 Phase Two: Deactivate

This process keeps older courses from instructor view. (Active=Instructors can view, De-active=they cannot).  

  • Action for SA:
    1. Check the Log file D2L_CourseCleanUp_Log.docx – this is where you will keep track of what stage you’re working on. 
    2. Access the courses for deactivation, select edit course and uncheck “course is active”. 
    3. Update the log file once complete. 

3.1.3 Phase Three:  Deleting Courses

The next phase in the courses life cycle will be to delete the course.  Deleted courses keep the course list clean for the SA’s.  Deleted courses retain in the Recycle Bin of D2L and can always be retrieved if needed. 


  • Action for the SA:
    1. Check the log file for what stage for the term in question. 
    2. Access the course management area of D2L, access the term code (example: 1830 courses) 
      • Verify each has been deactivated by the icon showing
      • Select all of them and select delete

3.1.4 Phase Four:  Recycle Bin

After courses have been deleted, they are then automatically stored on D2L recycle bin.  This process keeps the environment clear and clean of course clutter.  Courses that are in the recycle bin are still able to be retrieved by the SAs if required. 

3.1.5 Phase Five:  Recycle Bin Delete – Cycle Complete

Courses can be in the recycle bin for years if needed.  However, we may need to clean the recycle bin up to keep the area clean. 

  • Action for SA:
    1. Check the log report to see what stage your term is at and when your term is scheduled for deletion. 
    2. Access the D2L course recycle bin 
    3. Access the term of courses you wish to remove and select delete.